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標題: [私服發佈] Heroes WoW 255 LeveL 18 Race 3.3.5a with 5.4 Content [打印本頁]

作者: heroeswow    時間: 2013-10-23 11:04     標題: Heroes WoW 255 LeveL 18 Race 3.3.5a with 5.4 Content


Heroes WoW is wrath of the Lich King based with a twist. We have been around for the past 3+ years now and
its been growing ever since. We started out with just one realm and have now grown into having a total of 3
realms. So allow us to tell you a little bit about each realm and the things we offer.

Firstly we have an Unlimited mega fun Pve Custom realm with high stats and level 255. Leveling road with starting gear
to make leveling easy along with xp boosters. A mall with donation and vote vendors, gem vendors, potion vendors to
name a few. Transmogrify system with transmog weapons and gear dropped from 4 world bosses. There is a guild house
system along with a Profession mall with all the things you need to level professions. We have 18 races to choose
from along with 5.4 content items added. There are working battle grounds and arenas for your pvp needs and custom
raids with custom quests for your pve needs. There is also a working teleporter npc with various locations for you
to use. If you're running low on gold there is a gold farming instance for all those money troubles. This realm is known
as Unlimited Mega Fun Realm.

Secondly we have a Pve / Pvp based Blizzlike instant level 80 realm with x100 rates. There are 18 races to choose from
like worgen, naga, fel orc to name a few. There is a starting vendor to get you going along with a teleporter npc to get
you around to cities or raids. There are working professions along with battlegrounds and arenas. All instances are
blizzlike for your pve needs. This realm is known as Fallen Realm.

Thirdly there is a Custom realm with level 255 and slightly lower stats than unlimited realm. There are 18 races to
choose from. There is a leveling road with a starting npc for gear with various other npcs. There are xp boosters, a
transmogrify system with transmog weapons that drop from 2 world bosses. A full working mall with various gear,
gem, potion vendors to name a few. There is a donor and vote shop on the website and a profession mall in game
with all the vendors you need to level up professions. We have working battlegrounds and arenas along with
custom raids that is listed on the teleporter npc with other locations to make getting around easier. There is
also a gold farming instance so you'll never be low on gold. This realm is known as Heroes-WoW Realm and is more balanced
for pvp and pve content.

We have dedicated developers that are constantly working on new updates and doing bug fixes along with Game Masters to
assist with any issues that players have in game. Furthermore we offer the option to donate through paypal to help us
keep moving foward in order to create an environment that players can enjoy and have fun. We do of course reward those
who donate because its just our way of saying thank you to them. We have our own custom launcher that was developed
especially for our server along with its own custom patch so players can choose from 18 races and enjoy the 5.4 content
that we've added in game on our Unlimited mega fun realm.

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